Well, since I last wrote, daddy had his first Father's Day! I got him this really nice watch that I think he loves. Even though mommy picked it out, I think he knows that I would have picked that one if I was older :-)
Mommy and daddy both has a birthday in the same week. That was odd! Nonetheless, I got them some nice things and they got each other nice things. Daddy went to a baseball game on his birthday with mommy, so I didn't get to see him much that day.
I have been spending a lot of time with daddy, though. Now that mommy is back to work everyday and daddy has a less hectic schedule, he is home with me at least two or three days a week. I love it. I love to drive him crazy some days :-) He gets so frustrated, but I just laugh!
I have spent a few days with Grandma as well. She found out the other day that I like to fuss and not want to take naps during the day. Daddy thought that was funny. He said he was glad to see I showed someone else how fussy I can get! Hee-hee!
There are some new pictures of me listed on the right. I had some professional shots done last Sunday. Mommy and daddy loved them! Here are the two poses they picked out:

One of the other things I did, actually on Father's Day, was get baptized. We went to church and I was dressed in a cute little white dress. Pastor Dave put some water on my head and then he sang to me. Mom and dad were so proud of how well I did. I didn't cry or fuss or anything. When will they learn I love being the center of attention! :-) Uncle Todd and Aunt Lisa were there too. Actually, they are my Godparents now! I know they are far away, but I am happy mommy and daddy chose them. Uncle Todd is silly and Aunt Lisa is so caring. Just like mommy and dad. Here is a picture of me with them from Aunt Lisa's bridal shower:

Well enough of me for now. I promise I will try to write more often. I am just so busy these days! Take care all and have a great July 4th (whatever that means!)