Hello everyone. Sorry again for the long period of time between my posts. I am a busy girl these days.
So here is the run down of what is new...
I have two more teeth coming in. Mom says I look like a vampire because they are not the middle two top teeth, but on either side. I will look very silly when they come in.
I have been babbling...A LOT! I am smiling so much now because everything makes me happy (especially my silly daddy!) I have been eating some solid stuff. I love pumpkin! Mom cooked one for pies and stuff and gave me some of what was left. It is quite yummy.
Daddy said I am getting bigger because the toy Aunt June got me now fits me. I used to sit in it and my feet dangled from the bottom. Now, I can actually get my feet down and move the entire way around.
Mom and grandma think I am going to play in the WNBA! Apparently they think I have some good coordination.
Mom is planning on dressing me up for Halloween. I have no idea what that is all about, but hey...I am pretty cute in any outfit, so I am not worried.
Well...that is all for now. Take care and Happy Halloween.