I just wanted to thank everyone who came out for me last week for the Diabetes Walk. I also want to thank those that contributed. When all is said in done, we will have raised over $2000!!! That is so cool!
Here are a few pictures from the big day: MORE TO COME SOON!!!
Aunt Lisa and Uncle Todd have made me a new friend. Bryce "Brutus" David Moyer was born last week and he is a cutey. I can't wait to meet him and corrupt him! He too will be a little devil >:-)
So, mommy and daddy finally got the pictures back from the York Fair this year! I got to ride the carousel for the first time and there are pictures of me there!
So..I also have these pictures that I think might incriminate me in a murder. Daddy thinks it looks like I am wearing OJ's gloves!!! I have no idea what that means, but he thinks its funny.